On Tuesday November 14,2000, crews from firefighters responded to a reported(reported @3:16pm) house fire at 2817 Montford Avenue(crossstreets Causeway and Claiborne). From several blocks away station 11 units reported seeing heavy black smoke. Upon arrival at 3:19pm, the house was fully involved. At that time the squad was dispatched, and units began attacking the fire. At 3:41pm crews had the fire under control and out. No one was in the house when the fire started. The arson investigator determined that the fire was started when a space heater caught some combustible materials on fire. The house, valued at $30,000, was a total loss. (The first row of photos were taken by me, and the second row were taken by Joe Klumpp. Thank You.)
1st Alarm: E118, E128, E198, L117, and DC140 (A) Working Fire Dispatch: S159