At 1:30am firefighters were dispatched to the Terrace Apartments on the I-10 Service Road near the Cleary Avenue overpass after someone noticed an unusual amount for smoke coming from a window at the complex. Dispatch then advised units in route that the 911 center was receiving numerous calls. Engine 188 reported that they had a working fire, and the captain asked for a 2nd alarm. The 3 story woodframe complex had flames licking the sky when the first companies arrived on the scene. The fire was placed under control at 2:17am. One fireman was brought to the hospital with 2nd degree burns covering his neck, one fireman was treated at the scene for minor burns, two kittens were rescued during the blaze, and one sleepy elderly woman was rescued from the first floor after she didn't hear other resident's initial warnings to get out of the building.
1st Alarm: Stations 15,18, and DC 140(B); 2nd Alarm: E138, E148, L177, DC 160, PIO 20, and S 100
1/15/02: Terrace Apartments 2 Alarm