Around 9:00am on August 13,2000 firefighters were dispatched to a reported fire at Crescent City Baptist School.Eventually this dangerous and hot fire turned into a 3 alarm blaze. The steel rafters which held up the roof coupled with 3,000 pounds of weights on the second floor of the facility also caused crews to be cautious. The fire started in the concessions area in an electrical box.
1st Alarm: E168, E178, L177, and DC160(C) Working Fire Dispatch: S159 2nd and 3rd Alarms: E118, E138, E198, E318 (3rd District) L137, L187, S349 (3rd District), S100, AS101, AC102, DC140, P.I.O. Maintenance
8/13/00: 4828 Utica 3 Alarm